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The influence of zeolites in the basic properties of soils and efficiency of use of fertilizers by plants

Cordinator: Ch. Tsantilas

Project Type: Non-competitive Program

Research Team: Chr . Tsantilas, N. Voulagarakis, D. Triantafillou

Start - End: 1995-1996


Participants: ΕΘΙΑΓΕ-ΙΧΤΕΛ

Budget: 5.000.000 grd


Since the program's data showed the following conclusions regarding the effect of zeolite on the effective use of nitrogen fertilizers mainly:

  • Zeolite increases the ability of soil cation exchange . The novel cation retaining positions ( NH4 + ) due to the structure of the zeolite protect NH4 + by the action of azotovaktirion thus slowing the rate of these nitrification.
  • Effect of reduction of nitrification rate is the highest intake of N by wheat plants and therefore better use of this and reduce leaching of the deeper layers of the soil or the underground aquifer.
  • It contributes decisively to increase the yield of wheat crop in both total production of dry matter , and in the production of grain.

Further research is needed to determine the role of the inorganic forms of soil N and the determination of amounts to be applied to the territories to achieve specific crop yield goals. Since the quantities required to improve the properties of barren land is large relative to the cost of the zeolite, it seems that its use in intensive farming must be particularly studied, such as horticulture, floriculture and horticulture. (For more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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