The “Soil and Water Resources Department” based in Larissa, is part of the ‘Industrial and Forage Crops Institute’ of ELGO 'Demeter', and it is a continuity of the ‘Institute of Soil Classification and Mapping’ (ISMC) which combined with other former Institutes of the National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF) under the laws 188763/10−10−2011 (ΦΕΚ Β΄2284) and 919/131869/20-10-2014 (ΦΕΚ Β΄2889). ISMC was established in 1981 following a proposal by experts in the United Nations and the European Union, who participated in programs undertaken on the creation of the Soil Map of the Country (Soil survey and land evaluation, Greece »DP / GRE / 78/006). In 1989 ISMC joined the NAGREF and since then it was one of the Institutes of the Foundation. In 2003, by decision of the NAGREF Administration a new institute was founded called ‘Institute for Systems Technology and Digital Rural Informatics’. This Institute was abolished in 2005. Then ISMC became one of the largest institutes of NAGREF covering further to the main object, namely the ‘Soil Map of Greece’, all Soil Science sectors.
The main task of “Soil and Water Resources Department” is to conduct research on soil and water aimed at maintaining and improving their quality so that they can perform their functions, particularly those related to sustainable agricultural production and the quality of the environment. At the same time as the Institution belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture, it provides services in the agricultural sector addressed services and agencies or directly to farmers. The same services provided to any entity or individual in both the public and private sectors.
In particular, the “Soil and Water Resources Department” objects are:
- the fertility and plant nutrition, ie the study of territorial factors that determine the soil to provide nutrients that are essential to plant growth, nutrient requirements and factors influence the absorption thereof by plants.
- the restoration of degraded soils and water and waste management. The study of the factors that reduce the soil's ability to express its functions, the degradation of water quality, quality rehabilitation methods of soil and water, and agricultural exploitation mainly of agricultural and municipal waste.
- the management of water resources and irrigation. The study of the factors that determine the rational use of water resources in agriculture, methods of irrigation of agricultural crops and their impacts on soil and water quality.
- the management of digital information. The observation and monitoring of the land for the processing, management and presentation of data and information with emphasis on the agricultural sector.
The main activities of “Soil and Water Resources Department” are related to the capabilities of the Laboratories of the Department that can support comprehensive, reliable and validated analytical work on soil samples, water and plant tissues (Soil and Water Analysis Laboratory) and analysis and digital processing of data captured with modern technology and innovative means (terrestrial sensors, satellites, drones, etc.) relating to geographical and descriptive information fields, crops, experiments and research programs, businesses, agricultural cooperatives, individuals, etc. (Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing Laboratory).
Contact Details
Postal Code: 41335
Phone: +30 2410 671290, +30 2410 671300
FAX: +30 2410 671321
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