After Professor’s Dr. Zhenqui Hu of the China University of Mining and Technology-CMUT (Beijing) invitation, the Director of the Institute Dr. Christos Tsadilas visited China, in the aims of performing an oral presentation in the International Symposium on Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration, (LRER 2017), which was held on 20-23 October 2017 in Xi’an. Furthermore, the goal of the invitation was the visit of areas, where land restoration programs are being held, due to soil degradation caused by coal mining. In the conference, the presentation entitled “Utilization of coal fly ash and municipal sewage sludge for restoration of soils in disturbed lands” was performed. In addition, a visit was realized to an area degraded due to coal mining where experiments of soil reformation are being held, in the context of Greece-China collaboration programs, at the period 2004-2008. During the conference, the creation of the International Center on Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration (ICLRER) was announced, and the first honorable members were defined for the period 2017-2020, among which was the representative of the Institute of Industrial and Forage Crops. In addition, a visit to several public societies of coal mining was performed, which are responsible for land restoration after mining procedures. A visit at the Anhui University of Science and Technology was also realized, where ways of collaboration between the Institute and the Soil Mapping laboratory about topics of common interest were discussed. It was agreed that an official correspondence will follow, in order to start the collaboration officially.
Monday, 20 November 2017 08:29