THEODORE KARYOTIS, Senior Researcher, Agronomist-Soil Scientist
mobile: +306947607099
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- B.Sc in Agriculture, MSc on Soil Mapping and Soil-Water Relations, PhD related to soil science.
- He has been employed by the National Agricultural Research Foundation (Institute for Soil Mapping and Classification in Larissa) in 1979, working on soil fertility, water management and quality, impact of climate on agriculture and other subjects related to water pollution from agricultural sources, land degradation, e.t.c.
- He was coordinator in several national projects related to implementation of agro environmental measures and compliance with the E.U. legislation. He also participates either as Team Leader, or scientific partner and leader of working packages in various international projects related to soil nutrient management, water management, fertilization, land degradation, criteria for the identification of Groundwater thresholds, Strategic Environmental Assessment for agriculture (Egypt) e.t.c.
- He was nominated advisor of the Greek Permanent Representation to the European Union in Brussels (Agricultural Sector)
Participation in International Projects
1. "Spatial and temporal variation of soil nutrient stocks and management in Sub-Saharan African farming systems", (VARINUTS). 1996-2000. 4th Framework Programme for Research and Technology Development, INCO, IC18-CT96-0092. The major goal of this project was to make a significant contribution to the understanding and improvement of soil fertility management in two of Sub-Saharan Africa’s major agro- ecological zones, i.e. the East African Highlands (Kenya) and the West African Savanna (Burkina Faso).
2. Partner to the concerted action "Enchancing Soil Fertility in Africa:from field to policy-maker" (ESOFA). 1998-2001. (INCO -RTD), DG IX. The main objective was to build a basis for more realistic policies and programmes to support improved soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa.
3. Greek coordinator in the INCO-DEV Project entitled "Integrated nutrient management to attain sustainable productivity increases in East African farming systems" (INMASP). 2001-2006.
4. National coordinator in the project "Successful Rehabilitation Accompanying Infrastructural Interventions (SURE), supported by INTERREG III B (Central Adriatic Danubian South Eastern Space).
5. National coordinator in the project Background Criteria for the Identification of Groundwater thresholds (BRIDGE). 2002-2003.
6. Member of the European Orientation Group in the project LIFE-Environment “Optimisation of nitrogen management for groundwater quality improvement and conservation”. 2003-2006. 6th Action Programme for the Environment.
7. Participation in the LIFE07 ENV/GR/000266 project "Strategic Plan for the implementation of environmental safety in agricultural production systems, in sensitive aquatic systems" (ECOpest). 2009-2012. Responsible for soil mapping, fertilization practices, soil nutrients and trace elements availability, and assessment of nitrogen mineralization dynamics.
8. Team leader of the Technical Assistance EuropeAid/126902/D/SER/TR “Implementation of the Nitrates Directive 676/91/ΕΚ in Turkey”. Duration: January 2011- December 2012. It was implemented by Vakakis International S.A. (GR), in association with Teagasc (IR), International Office for Water (FR) and BRGM (FR).
9. Participation in the LIFE09 ENV/GR/000302 SAGE 10) project “Establishment of Impact Assessment Procedure as a tool for the sustainability of agroecosystem: the case of Mediterranean olives”. Responsible for the application of environmental indices, and land suitability for olive trees (2010-2014).
11. Participation in the bilateral Project “Integrated modeling and management of nitrogen pollution in selected Greek and German catchment areas”. 2010-2012. The main aim is the creation of a Νitrogen surplus model and nitrates movement.
12. Establishment of impact assessment procedure as a tool for the sustainability of agro-ecosystem: The case of Mediterranean olives (Οctober 2010 – June 2014).
13. “ Establishment of Impact Assessment Procedure as a tool for the sustainability of agro-ecosystem: the case of Mediterranean olives”(2012-15). Responsible for assessment of soil and water quality for irrigation.
14. Contract with Turkish Ministry of Food and Agriculture (May- December 2017) as main scientific partner in the Project “Framework of the development of the new nitrates information system”. Responsible for the development, justification and update of a nitrogen fertilization, using PYTHON language.
Participation in various National Projects (selected)
1. National co-ordinator of the project: “Recording and Control of nitrate fertilisers according to the Regulation 2078/92 EEC in Thessaly”.
2. Scientific participant to the project "Soil Mapping, Classification and Soil Reclamation of the Axioupolis region".
3. Scientific participant to the project "Soil Mapping, Classification and Land Use of the Kilkis Prefecture".
4. Scientific participant to the project "Soil Study of the cultivated soils of Tenagh-Northern Greece".
5. Scientific participant to the "INTERREG II" in the project "Soil Mapping, Classification and Land Evaluation of the cultivated soils with vineyards in the areas of Zitsa, Limnos and Samos, Greece".
6. National co-ordinator of the “Action Plan: decreasing of nitrates in the vulnerable zones of Greece – Codes of Good Agricultural Practices”.
7. National co-ordinator of the project: “Monitoring of nitrates in ground waters of Central Greece”.
8. National Co-ordinator of the project: "Action Plan for the vulnerable to nitrates zones of the Prefectures Pella and Hmathia, according to the nitrates directive 91/676/ΕU".
9. Co-ordinator for the Action plan against nitrates and designation of vulnerable zones in the areas of Arta- Preveza, Serres and Kilkis.
10. Co-ordinator of the project "Environmental Actions according to Reg. 2078/92 in the prefecture of Thessaly – Study of natural resources which affect on yields and crops’. 1999-2002.
11. Co-ordinator of the project "Grouping of soil units in Thessaly".
12. Scientific leader of the project "Designation of the vulnerable to nitrates zones in Arta-Preveza-Thessaloniki-Kilkis and Serres.
13. Project co-ordinator" Action Plan against nitrates in the vulnerable zones of Pella and Imathia according to the implementation of nitrates directive.
14. Scientific leader in the project entitled “Study of natural conditions (climate, soils and vegetation) in the area of Elassona. 2005-2006.
15. Scientific partner to “Mapping of agricultural soils in the Prefecture of Arta – status of nutrients” in soils and plants.2005-2006.
Participation in Concerted Actions of the European Union
• COST ACTION 814, "Crop development for the cool and wet regions of Europe".
-Member of the Management Committee and member of the working groups “N-use efficiency” and “Small grain cereals and pseudocereals”.
• COST 832: 1997-2002. Member of the Management Committee in this action entitled:" Methodologies for estimated the Agricultural Contribution to Eutrophication".
- Member of the working group “Phosphorus inputs from Agriculture”. He presented the main methodologies for determinations of available phosphorus (
● COST 852. "Quality legume based forage systems for contrasting environments". 2001-2006. Member of the Management Committee
● COST 629 (07/2001 - 09/2006). “Water pollution in natural porous media
at different scales: fate, impact and indicators”. Μember of the WG "Biogeochemical Dynamics from soil to groundwater".
● COST 729. "Assessing and Managing Nitrogen Fluxes in the Atmosphere-Biosphere System in Europe". 2006-20011. Μember of the Management Committee and member of the Working group 4: Policy and scenario analyses.
• COST 639 (2006-2010). Greenhouse gas budget of soils under changing climate and land use (BurnOut). Member of the Management Committee, and member of the WG 2 “Relation of land use, land-use change, and land-use history on soil C and N”.
• Action ES0805 (2009-2013): The Terrestrial Biosphere in the Earth System (TERRABITES). Member of the Management Committee and meber of the Working Group 2: Modeling Carbon and Nutrient Cycling.
• COST Action FA0905 (2010-2014): Mineral-improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed. Μember of the Management Committee. Member of the WG1: Soil- plant interactions and physiology (rhizosphere, bioavailability, agronomy, mineral fertilizers, use of nano-particle)
• COST TD1304 (11/10/2013 - 10/10/2017) - The Network for the Biology of Zinc (Zinc-net). Μember of the Management Committee
Presentations in Workshops (selected)
• Th. Karyotis. 2002. The development of a soil policy in Greece: how research feeds into policy and vice versa. In: Diversity, Policy and Scaling-up. Proceedings of the first international workshop of the EU/INCO-DEV Concerted Action programme: Enhancing Soil fertility in Africa: From Field to Policy-Maker. Entebbe-UGANDA, Organized by Makerere University.
• Karyotis Τh., and Ch. Noulas. 2003. Sampling, determination and interpretation of African soil systems. Workshop "Integrated nutrient management to attain sustainable productivity increases in East African farming systems", held in Mbale-UGANDA. Annex 9, Presentation backstopping.
• Th. Karyotis, A. Panagopoulos and S. Tasoglou. 2003. Water quality in Thessaly and factors affecting pollution. Workshop "Lessons resulting from guidance document testing related to Art. 5 in Pilot River Basins" co-organized by the Εuropean Commission and JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE (Belgirate - Italy).
• Karyotis, Th., 2003. "Pollution by nitrates and overexploitation of groundwater in Thessaly, C. Greece" COST629, Barcelona.
• Th. Karyotis, Th. Mitsimponas, M. Tziouvalekas and Ch. Noulas. 2004. Common experiment: selected properties and status of soil nutrients. Workshop of ACTION 852, Ystad-Sweden. Proc. of the workshop, Edited by Agricultural University of Iceland, pp. 38-45. COST 852.
• Th. Karyotis. 2005. Water quality in Thessaly and measures against nitrates. Meeting of European Orientation Group, LIFE-Environment “Optimisation of nitrogen management for groundwater quality improvement and conservation”. Reggio Emilia, Italy.
• Th. Karyotis, Th. Mitsimponas, A. Panagopoulos, A. Charoulis, M. Tziouvalekas and Th. Georgiou. 2006. “Groundwater quality and threshold values for irrigation in the River Basin of Pinios, Greece”. Presentation in the final workshop of the project “Background Criteria for the Identification of Groundwater thresholds” (BRIDGE). Paris, 15-12-2006.
• Th. Karyotis and A. Panagopoulos. 2006. Greek test area: Eastern Thessaly groundwater body. Workshop of BRGIDGE project. Madrid, Spain.
• John Alexiou, Theodore Karyotis and Dimitrios Kalfountzos. 2006. Final workshop “Farmer field school experiences on land and water management in Africa”, Project "Integrated nutrient management to attain sustainable productivity increases in East African farming systems" (INMASP).
• Th. Karyotis, P. Ebanyat, F. Nagawa, Th. Mitsimponas and Christos Noulas. 2006. Unfertile Ugandan soils and nutrient management. Final workshop “Farmer field school experiences on land and water management in Africa” of Project "Integrated nutrient management to attain sustainable productivity increases in East African farming systems" (draft paper, INMASP).
• Th. Karyotis, Th. Mitsimponas and M. Tziouvalekas. 2006. Estimation of net nitrogen mineralization in European soils under laboratory conditions. COST 852, Final Workshop (Αustria). Abstract, page 23.
• Theodore Karyotis, C. Iliadis, Th. Mitsimponas and M. Tziouvalekas. 2006. SURE Project: soil quality in the experimental Greek sites and adaptation of seed mixtures. Workshop: Restoration after infrastructural interventions (Irdning, Austria).
• A. Panagopoulos, Th. Karyotis, Th. Georgiou and Al. Tsitouras. 2006. Groundwater natural background levels and threshold definition in the Eastern Thessaly groundwater body (Pinios River Basin, Central Greece). Greek Case Study Report, Project BRIDGE.
• A. Blaschka, B. Krautzer, W. Graiss, P. Burella, M. Dainese, E. Diana, K. Iliadis, T. Karyotis, M.Kitzekova and M. Zimkova. 2006. Restoration at high altitudes – Results from European restoration trials in the frame of the EU-Project “SURE”. Workshop: Restoration after infrastructural interventions (Irdning,, Austria ).
• Karyotis Theodore. 2006. Soil sampling and variability. In: Biochemical dynamics from soil to groundwater. Vadillo, I. and Bedbur E. (Eds), Malaga, Spain.
• Theodore Karyotis.2006. SOIL: nature, properties and characteristics. In: Biochemical dynamics from soil to groundwater. Vadillo, I. and Bedbur E. (Eds), Malaga, Spain.
• Th. Karyotis, A. Charoulis, Th. Mitsimponas, M. Tziouvalekas and A. Panagopoulos.2007. Groundwater quality for irrigation in the district of former lake Karla, Greece. International Conference on WAter POllution in natural POrous media at different scales, COST ACTION 629
• Vavoulidou E., Karyotis Th., Soulis K., Charoulis Ath. and Panoras Ath. 2007. GIS application for nitrates evaluation in a peat area in Greece. 14th and final meeting of the ESF COST 856 Action «Ecological Aspects of Denitrification, with Emphasis on Agriculture» 5-8.12.07, Uppsala, Sweden.
• Vavoulidou E., Charoulis Ath., Soulis K. and Karyotis Th. 2007. Soil Survey for improvement of farming practices in Mallia Municipality, GREECE. 14th and final meeting of the ESF COST 856 Action “Ecological Aspects of Denitrification, with Emphasis on Agriculture” 5-8.12.07, Uppsala, Sweden.
• Th. Karyotis. 2008. The problem of nitrates in groundwater and soils of Greece. COST 729, Ανακοίνωση στη MC, Lisbon, 23-25 April,
• Th. Karyotis. 2008. Greenhouse gases emissions, policies and measures. COST 729, Ανακοίνωση στη ΜC, Lisbon, 23-25 April,
• Th. Karyotis, M. Tziouvalekas, Ch. Noulas and Th. Mitsimponas. 2009. Properties, characteristics and soil nutrients in Southern European countries (oral presentation). COST Action 639, "Greenhouse-gas budget of soils under changing climate and land use". Thematic workshop: "Soil carbon in Mediterranean Ecosystems", Florence, 2-3 March.
• Cellier, P., Dragosits, U., Durand, P., Hutchings, N., Oenema, O., Mιrot, P., Theobald, M., Drouet, J.L, Frumau, Van Grinsven, H., Karyotis, T., Duretz, S., Braban, C., Sutton, M., Samarelli, L., H.V. Andersen. 2009. European Nitrogen Assessment, Chapter 9, Working Group “Dispersion and fate of nitrogen in rural landscapes.
• Karyotis Th., A. Panagopoulos, A. Charoulis, C. Karyoti, M. Tziouvalekas and a. Panoras. 2010. Distribution of chemical properties in groundwater of a drained Greek peatland. Session: Dehydrated and rewetted peatlands: hydrological, physical and chemical changes. General Assembly of European Geosciences Union.5 May, Vienna.
• Karyotis Th., A. Charoulis, E. Vavoulidou and M. Tziouvalekas. 2010. Vertical distribution of soil organic carbon originated from a prior peatland in Greece and impacts on the landscape, after conversion to arable land. Session: Greenhouse gas budget of soils under changing land use. General Assembly of European Geosciences Union. 7 May, Vienna.
• Karyotis Th. and C. Kosmas.2010. Nitrogen leaching, mineralization and uptake in cultivated soils of Central Greece. 3rd Expert Panel on Nitrogen Budgets, Ministry of Agriculture, Prague.
• Karyotis Th., Kosmas C. and A. Tsitouras.2010. Land degradation in mountainous and hilly areas of Greece. Workshop and 3rd Conference on Desertification and Land Degradation processes’. UNESCO Chair on Eremology, International Centre for Eremology. June 16 -17. Ghent University, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering. Book of Abstracts, pp. 35-36.
• Karyotis Th. and A. Panagopoulos. 2011. Nitrates pollution from agriculture in Greece: Measures and practices for mitigation. Julich Research Institute, Germany (workshop IKYDA Project, 15-19 May).
• Karyotis Th. and Ch. Noulas.2011. Soil nitrogen losses in winter wheat under temperate climatic conditions in Greece. Global Change: Key Findings – Future Challenges. In the framework of the European Nitrogen Assessment Project. Co-organised by the programme Nitrogen in Europe (NinE), COST Action 729, the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen under the UNECE Convention of Long-Range Transboundary Air pollution. 11th – 15th of April, 2011, Edinburgh/UK.
• Karyotis Th. and Ch. Noulas. 2013. Nutrients and trace elements in the seed of selected varieties of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) under Mediterranean conditions. COST ACTION FA 0905: Mineral improved crop production for healthy food and feed. 4th Annual Conference essential and detrimental trace elements entering the food chain via plants. Organized by the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) and BIOFORSK, Oslo 9-12 June, 2013. Abstract, page 65
• Karyotis Th., E. Hatzigiannakis, G. Arampatzis, A. Panagopoulos, S. Stathaki, J. Vrouchakis, K. Karyoti, A. Zavra, D. Tsekoura and Ch. Kalogianni.2016. Distribution of zinc in irrigated waters and soils cultivated with olive trees in Crete island,Greece. Sofia, 22 March. COST TD1304 - The Network for the Biology of Zinc (Zinc-net)
Oral Presentations in International Congresses & Conferences (selected)
1. Karyotis Th. and A. Haroulis, 1995. The effect of temperature on Nitrogen mineralization in some Greek soils. Workshop "Nitrogen supply and nitrogen fixation of crops for cool and wet climates", Tromso, Norway. Proceedings of European Co-operation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research, Office for Official Publications of the EC, Luxemburg, ISBN 92-827-5346-8, pp.53-59.
2. C. Iliadis, Th., Karyotis, and Th., Mitsimponas.1997. "Research on Quinoa and Amaranth in Greece". Proceedings of E.U. Workshop on "Small grain cereals and pseudocereals". Wageningen, pp. 85-91.
3. Th. Karyotis, N. Gachini, J. Alexiou, D. Kalfountzos, P. Gicheru and E. Ekirapa.1999. "Potentially mineralized nitrogen and impact of liming on net N mineralization in certain Kenyan soils". 22nd Congress of the Soil Science Society of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, Proc., pp. 35-38.
4. Karyotis Th., D. Kalfountzos, J. Alexiou, P. Gicheru and G. Kapetanaki. 1999. "A parametric qualitative land evaluation for various crops in Kenya". 22nd Congress of the Soil Science Society of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, Proc., pp. 125-128.
5. Mitsimponas Th., Th. Karyotis, N. Zagouroglou and S. Beltsios.2000. “Seasonal variation of nitrates and ammonium in ground waters and estuaries of Central Greece: role of agriculture”. Third International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation, Valencia-Spain, abstract, p. 253.
6. Karyotis Th., A. Haroulis, M. Toulios, Th. Georgiou and E. Katsilouli.2000. "A parametric approach for qualitative land evaluation in acid soils". Third International Congress of European Soil Society, Valencia-SPAIN. Abstract in pp. 246.
7. Karyotis, Th., P. Papadopoulos, C. Noulas, A. Haroulis and E. Vavoulidou. 2000. Influences of cadmium on net nitrogen mineralization in Greek soils rich in organic matter. 11th International Peat Congress "Sustaining our Peatlands". Québec, Canada, August 6-12. Proc. pp. 428-431.
20. Haroulis, A., Th. Karyotis and Th. Mitsimponas. 2000. "Soil properties in acid soils of Northern Greece".11ο International Soil Conservation Organization Conference, Buenos Aires, Αrgentina. Procceedings (
9. Iliades, C., Th. Karyotis and S. Jacobsen, 2001. Adaptation of Quinoa under xerothermic conditions and cultivation for biomass and fibre production. Edited by FAO "Cultivos Andina", hhh//www/
10. A. Panagopoulos, Th. Karyotis, D. Kalfoutzos, J. Alexiou, S. Kotsopoulos. 2001. "Influence of land and water use to groundwater resources of the sensitive hydrogeological environment of the river Pinios estuary, Central Greece". 3rd International Congress "Future Groundwater Resources at Risk". Lisbon-Portugal, Proc., pp.391-98.
11. Th. Karyotis, A. Panagopoulos, P. Giannoulopoulos, D. Pateras, Ν. Danalatos, A. Panoras, A. Zimis. 2001. "Policy measures and practices against groundwater quality deterioration in the Argolida alluvial basin, South Greece". 3rd Intern. Congress "Future Groundwater Resources at Risk". Lisbon, Proc., pp. 45-50.
12. Th. Karyotis, A. Panagopoulos, N. Danalatos, D. Pateras, A. Panoras and C. Kosmas.2001. "Agricultural Policy and measures for mitigation of nitrates in groundwaters of Central Greece". Workshop "Beyond nutrient balances", Adis Ababa, Ethiopia, pp. 87-90.
13. Th. Karyotis, A. Panagopoulos, C. Kosmas, D. Pateras, A. Panoras, N. Danalatos and N. Yassoglou. 2001. "Guidelines for establishing a code for Good Agricultural Practice in the River Pinios sedimentary basin, Southern Greece. 12th World Fertilizer Congress "Fertilization in the third millennium-fertilizer, food security and environmental protection" Proc., V. III, pp.1594-1601, ΙSΒΝ 7-5381-3749-1, (Ed.) International Scientific Center of Fertilizers, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
14. Th. Karyotis. 2001. "Estimation of Nitrates leaching in three Greek Inceptisols". 11 Nitrogen workshop organized by INRA, Reims - France, Proc., pp. 305-306.
15. Haroulis A., Th. Karyotis and Th. Mitsimponas. 2002. "Soil properties in acid soils of Northern Greece". 12 International Congress, organized by International Soil Conservation Organization, (Beijing- China). Proceedings, Vol. Ι, pp.. 106-111, Tsinghua University Press.
16. Karyotis Th., A. Panoras and M. Tziouvalekas.2002. "Incubation experiments on net N-mineralization in sandy soils of Northern Greece". 17th World Congress organized by the International Union of Soil Science. Proceendings, Symposium 14, Abstract p. 515, Bangkok,Thailand.
17. Charoulis, A., Karyotis, Th., and J. Mitsios.2003. Incubation experiments on net nitrogen mineralization in organic Greek soils. 8th International Symposium for Soil and Plant Analysis. South Africa, Cape Town, January 13-17, abstract book, p. 90.
18. Karyotis, Th., E. Vavoulidou, A. Charoulis and Th. Mitsimponas.2003. Nutrients and trace elements of arable soils rich in organic matter in Northern Greece. 8th International Symposium for Soil and Plant Analysis. South Africa, Cape Town, January 13-17. abstract book, p. 93.
19. Karyotis Τh., and Ch. Noulas. 2003. Sampling, determination and interpretation of African soil systems. Workshop of the Project "Integrated nutrient management to attain sustainable productivity increases in East African farming systems", Mbale-UGANDA. Annex 9, Presentation backstopping.
20. Th. Karyotis, A. Panagopoulos, A. Panoras, Th. Mitsimponas, A. Haroulis, and Ch. Noulas. 2003. Nitrate pollution in water resources of the Tenagi peatland in Northern Greece. 6th International Symposium on Environmental Contamination, Prague, Czech Republic, abstract, p. 125.
21. Karyotis Th., Onduru D., Noulas Ch., Gachimbi L. and F. Muchena. 2003. Nutrients, trace elements and N mineralization dynamics in certain acid soils of Kenya. “6th International Symposium on “Plant-Soil Interactions at low pH””, Sendai, Japan. Proc., pp. 170 - 171.
22. Zerva G., Th. Karyotis, A. Haroulis and M. Toulios. 2003. Climatic factors and impact on acidification in soils of Western Greece. “6th International Symposium on “Plant-Soil Interactions at low pH””, Sendai, Japan. Proc., pp. 336-337.
23. Karyotis, Th., 2004. Results of soil analysis from Kenya and Uganda. Workshop of the project "Integrated nutrient management to attain sustainable productivity increases in East African farming systems". Awassa, Ethiopia.
24. Georgiou Th., Th. Karyotis, Ir. Katsilouli, A. Haroulis, and M. Toulios. 2004. Action Program and Practices for reduction of nitrates from agricultural sources in Greece. In: Controlling nitrogen flows and losses. Edited by D. Hatch, D. Chadwick, S. Jarvis and J. Roker. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. ISBN 9076998434, pp. 438-438.
25. Ir. Katsilouli, Th. Karyotis, Th., Georgiou, Th. Mitsimponas, A. Panagopoulos, A. Panoras, D. Pateras, A. Haroulis, G. Argyropoulos and M. Toulios. 2004. Nitrates in soils and Water originated from Agricultural sources: A case study in Thessaly, Central Greece. In: Controlling nitrogen flows and losses. Edited by D. Hatch, D. Chadwick, S. Jarvis and J. Roker. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. ISBN 9076998434, pp. 447-448.
26. C. Iliadis, Th. Karyotis and Ch. Noulas. 2004. Breeding of new quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) varieties with adaptation to neutral and saline–sodic soils, VIII European Society for Agronomy, Copenhagen, Book of Proceedings (ISBN 87-7611-062-1), pp. 399-400.
27. Mitsimponas Th., Karyotis Th., and Ch. Noulas. 2004. Non arable soils in the highlands of Central Greece: nature, properties and vegetation. 4th International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation, Budapest. Proceedings, p. 189.
28. Th. Karyotis, G. Argyropoulos, M. Toulios, A. Haroulis, Th. Mhtsimponas, E. Katsilouli and Th. Georgiou. 2004. Factors influencing the properties and productivity of acid arable soils in the Tirnavos area, C. Greece. 4th International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation, Budapest. Proceedings, p. 165.
29. Th. Karyotis, Ar. Papadopoulos, D. Pateras, A. Panagopoulos and A. Panoras. 2004. Water exploitation of the lake Koroneia and measures for nitrates mitigation. 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence- Italy. Scientific Sessions, abstracts part 2, p. 865.
30. A. Panagopoulos, E. Metaxa, F. Papadopoulos, Th. Karyotis. 2004. Quality considerations on the groundwater resources of eastern Limnos island (Northern Aegean Sea – Greece). 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy. Scientific Sessions, abstracts part 1, p. 788.
31. Vavoulidou, E., A. Charoulis, Th. Karyotis, K. Soulis and P. Papadopoulos. 2004. Evaluation of Histosols using GIS: a case study from “Tenagi-Philippon” in Northern Greece. Eurosoil 2004, Freiburg, Germany. Proc. p. 251.
32. Karyotis Th., Th. Mitsibonas, M. Tziouvalekas and Ch. Noulas. 2005. Net nitrogen and sulfur mineralization in mountainous soils amended with indigenous plant residues. 9th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis. ISSPA, Mexico. Abstract in the Proc., page 136.
33. Charoulis A. and Th. Karyotis. 2005. The effect of temperature on net nitrogen mineralization in arable Greek soils. 9th Intern. Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis. ISSPA, Mexico. Abstract book, page 137.
34. Karyotis Th., E. Vavoulidou, A. Charoulis and Th. Mitsimponas. 2006. Fertility decline of arable soils in a semiarid district of Crete Island, Greece. 14th Conference of International Soil Conservation Organization, (Marrakesh, Morocco). Proceedings, extended abstract, 5 pages.
35. Karyotis Th., Mitsimponas Th., Tziouvalekas and Drosos A.. 2007. The impact of human activities on the level of soil nutrients in the drained lake of Askuris. 10 th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis. Abstract Book, p 1., ISBN 978-963-06-2678-1, Edited by T. Nemeth and S. Koόs .
36. Ch. Noulas, Th. Karyotis and Ioannis Massas. 2007. Red Mediterranean soils: nature, properties and management of Rhodoxeralfs in Northern Greece. 10 th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis. Abstract Book, p 2., ISBN 978-963-06-2678-1, Edited by T. Nemeth and S. Koόs.
37. Karyotis Th., M. Tziouvalekas, Th. Mitsimponas, A. Charoulis and E. Vavoulidou. 2007. ERODED SOILS IN CRETE ISLAND (GREECE), FERTILITY AND ADAPTATION OF OLIVE TREES. 10th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis. Abstract Book, p 3., ISBN 978-963-06-2678-1.
38. Malissiovas N., Karyotis Th., Charoulis A., Mitsimponas Th., Georgiou Th., and Dalamagos C. 2007. Nutrients, trace elements and fertility of alluvial soils in Western Greece. 10 th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis. Abstract Book, p 4., ISBN 978-963-06-2678-1, Edited by T. Nemeth and S. Koόs.
39. E. Vavoulidou, Charoulis Ath., Soulis K., Karyotis Th. and P. Papadopoulos. 2007. Soil survey using GIS with the Aim of Improving Farming Practices. The case of Mallia Municipality, Crete, Greece. 10 th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis. Abstract Book, p 31, ISBN 978-963-06-2678-1, Edited by T. Nemeth and S. Koόs.
40. Karyotis Th., Mitsimponas Th., Tziouvalekas M., Toulios M., Vergos St., Tsipis K., Drosos A. and Aretos V. 2007. Soils and native vegetation in a hilly and mountainous area in Central Greece. 10 th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis. Abstract Book, p 169., ISBN 978-963-06-2678-1, Edited by T. Nemeth and S. Koόs.
41. Th. Karyotis. Degree of profile development and horizon properties in two Alfisols on pleistocene terraces in Greece. 2007. 5th International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation: Changing Soils in Changing World – The soils of tomorrow. Palermo, Italy. Abstract p. 386.
42. Th. Karyotis and B. Anthopoulou. 2007. Anthropogenic activities and landscape degradation in Santorini island, Greece. 5th International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation: Changing Soils in Changing World – The soils of tomorrow. Palermo, Italy. Abstract, p. 75.
43. Malissiovas N., Karyotis Th., Charoulis A., Mitsimponas Th, Georgiou Th., Dalamagos C., Κοmninou E. and O. Panou. 2007. Soil nutrients and fertilization of kiwi fruits in the prefecture of Arta, Greece. 5th International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation: Changing Soils in Changing World – The soils of tomorrow. Palermo, Italy. Abstract p. 433.
44. Karyotis Th., Charoulis A., Tziouvalekas M., and Th. Mitsimponas. 2008. MINERALIZATION OF NITROGEN IN MOUNTAINOUS GREEK SOILS. NitroEurope IP 3rd Annual Meeting and Open Science Conference, Session 2: Impacts of changes in external drivers on fluxes and exchange of N, C and GHG in terrestrial ecosystems, 18th - 21st February, Ghent, Belgium. Abstract, p. 57.
45. Th. Karyotis, A. Charoulis, A. Panagopoulos, M. Tziouvalekas, Th. Georgiou, K. Karyoti and Th. Mitsimponas. 2008. Groundwater quality and threshold values for irrigation in the river Basin of Pinios, Greece. Session: Soil and Water – Practical Applications. In: W. Blum, M. Gerzabek and M. Vodrazka “EUROSOIL 2008”. Congress “EUROSOIL”, (25-29 August, Vienna, Austria), Book of Abstracts, pp. 333.
46. Th. Karyotis, A. Charoulis, M. Tziouvalekas and Th. Mitsimponas. 2008. Mountainous Greek soils and status of nutrients in native vegetation and perennial plants. Session: Soil Ecology – Soil as Living Space. In: W. Blum, M. Gerzabek and M. Vodrazka “EUROSOIL 2008” (25-29 August, Vienna, Austria). Inernat. Congress “EUROSOIL”, (25-29 August, Vienna, Austria), Book of Abstracts, pp. 192.
47. Theodore Karyotis. 2008. Mediterranean soils, agricultural practices and agro environmental legislation. Oral Presentation, Inernat. Congress “EUROSOIL”, (25-29 August, Vienna, Austria).
48. PANAGOPOULOS, A., S. PEHLIVANIDOU, Y. VROUHAKIS, Th. KARYOTIS, G. ARAMPATZIS, E. HATZIGIANNAKIS and A. PANORAS. 2008. Determining reference conditions for groundwater bodies using simple historical data; the case of eastern Thessaly, Greece. Proc. XXVIth Congress of International Association of Hydrogeologists, Toyama City – Japan
49. Th. Karyotis and Ch. Noulas.2011. Soil nitrogen losses in winter wheat under temperate climatic conditions in Greece. Nitrogen and Global Change Conference, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, April 11-14.
50. Karyotis Th., A. Panagopoulos, G. Arabatzis, A. Charoulis, C. Domakinis, M. Tziouvalekas, K. Pipera, G. Vrouchakis, S. Stathaki, D. Τsekoura, E. Avramidou and Α. Ζerva. 2011. Seasonal variation and chemical characteristics of groundwater and quality assessment in the intensively cultivated Voiotia Plain, Greece. Symposium 13, Trace elements in the environment: human health risk assessment and evaluation of background values in soil and groundwater as tools for contaminated sites management. Organizers: Vecchio, A., Pirani, G.. 11th Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. July 3-7, Florence, Italy
51. Charoulis A., Karyotis Th., Arampatzis G., Panagopoulos A., M. Tziouvalekas, K. Pipera and Ch. Domakinis. 2011. Trace elements in topsoils and waters in intensively cultivated Greek soils. Symposium 13, Trace elements in the environment: human health risk assessment and evaluation of background values in soil and groundwater as tools for contaminated sites management. Organizers: Vecchio, A., Pirani, G.. 11th Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. July 3-7, Florence, Italy
52. M. Toulios, Karyotis Th., Tziouvalekas M. and A. Charoulis. 2011. Properties and management of acidic Greek soils. 6th International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation “Innovative Strategies and Policies for Soil Conservation”, Proceedings p 167, ISBN:978-960-88296-9-5, p. 83, (9−14 May, Thessaloniki- Greece).
53. A. Charoulis, A. Dimirkou and Th. Karyotis. 2011. Depth distribution of mineralised nitrogen in organic and inorganic soils in the area of Philippoi, Greece. 6th International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation “Innovative Strategies and Policies for Soil Conservation”, Proceedings p 107, ISBN:978-960-88296-9-5,( 9−14 May, Thessaloniki- Greece).
54. CH. NOULAS, I. ALEXIOU, TH. KARYOTIS.2011.Relationship of the two main methods for estimating fertilizer N recovery efficiency in wheat. 6th International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation “Innovative Strategies and Policies for Soil Conservation”, Proceedings p 157, ISBN:978-960-88296-9-5, (9−14 May, Thessaloniki- Greece).
55. Darko Znaor and Theodore Karyotis. 2011. Capacity building and public awareness raising on Nitrates Directive in the countries aspiring to EU accession. 6th International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation “Innovative Strategies and Policies for Soil Conservation”, Proceedings p 167, ISBN:978-960-88296-9-5,p. 172-173 (9−14 May, Thessaloniki- Greece).
56. Tsitouras A. and Th. Karyotis. 2011. Soil thematic maps of the arable land of Greece as an instrument for policy implementation. 6th International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation “Innovative Strategies and Policies for Soil Conservation”, Proceedings p 167, ISBN:978-960-88296-9-5, p. 167 ( 9−14 May, Thessaloniki- Greece).
57. Giannoulis K., A. Molla, A. Dimirkou, Th. Karyotis and N. Danalatos. 2011. The effect of zeolite-bentonite mixture on soil quality and crop productivity. 12th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania Greece. Book of Abstracts, page 120.
58. Giannoulis K., A. Molla, A. Dimirkou, Th. Karyotis and N. Danalatos. 2011. N-NO3 uptake by switchgrass and sunflower as a peat soil quality improvement index. 12th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania Greece. Book of Abstracts, page 121.
59. Karyotis Th., A. Panagopoulos, G. Arabatzis, A. Charoulis, C. Domakinis, M. Tziouvalekas, K. Pipera, G. Vrouchakis, S. Stathaki, D. Τsekoura, E. Avramidou and Α. Ζerva. 2011. Seasonal variation and chemical characteristics of groundwater and quality assessment in the intensively cultivated Voiotia Plain, Greece. Symposium 13, Trace elements in the environment: human health risk assessment and evaluation of background values in soil and groundwater as tools for contaminated sites management. Organizers: Vecchio, A., Pirani, G. 11th Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. July 3-7, Florence, Italy
60. Charoulis A., Karyotis Th., Arampatzis G., Panagopoulos A., M. Tziouvalekas, K. Pipera and Ch. Domakinis. 2011. Trace elements in topsoils and waters in intensively cultivated Greek soils. Symposium 13, Trace elements in the environment: human health risk assessment and evaluation of background values in soil and groundwater as tools for contaminated sites management. Organizers: Vecchio, A., Pirani, G., 11th Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. July 3-7, Florence, Italy
61. Karyotis Th., A. Panagopoulos, N. Celik, K.A. Kassapi, E. Tziritis, S. Demir and H. Bilgin Yildirim. 2012. Implementation of Nitrates Directive in Turkey. International Soil Science Congress on "Land Degradation and Challenges in Sustainable Soil Management", Session "SOIL AND WATER POLLUTION". PROCEEDINGS BOOK pp. 251-255, Çeşme-İzmir, TURKEY (15-17 May 2012)
62. Th. Karyotis, Αl. Tsitouras, L. Τoulios and Α. Panagopoulos.2012. Problems regarding the implementation of Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC) in Greece. 14th Congress of the Hellenic Soil Science Association , November 1-2, Thessaloniki (Proceedings in Greek).
63. Th. Karyotis and Αl. Τsitouras.2012. Levels of organic carbon in the cultivated Greek soils. 14th Congress of the Hellenic Soil Science Association , November 1-2, Thessaloniki (Proceedings in Greek).
64. Th. Karyotis, A. Panagopoulos, Α. Τsitouras, N. Celik, Ü. BingolL, Ali Kasaci, N. Salman, B. Evci, S. Demir and S. Çetinkaya. 2012. Implementation of Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC) in Turkey. 14th Congress of the Hellenic Soil Science Association , November 1-2, Thessaloniki (Proceedings in Greek).
65. Karyotis Th., R. Torenbeek, N. Celik, Α. Panagopoulos, K. Karyoti and Al. Tsitouras. 2013. Nitrates pollution from agriculture in lakes of Turkey. Fourth International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2013) & SECOTOX Conference. Proceedings, pp. 260-266, Mykonos-Greece, 24-28 June.
66. Giannoulis K., S.Sakkou, M. Sakellariou, N. and T. Karyotis. 2013. Switchgrass Growth (Alamo variety) as Affected by Irrigation and N-Fertilization in Central Greece. International Conference “Bioenergy 2013”, Jyväskylä, Finland, 4-6 Sept.
67. Panagopoulos Α., G. Arampatzis, E. Hatzigiannakis, Th. Karyotis, S. Stathaki and E. Tziritis. 2014. Spatio-temporal variability of nutrients in irrigation waters and its contribution on fertilization of olive groves in Crete island, Grece. (Eds) N. Jeannee and T. Romary, 10th Conference on geostatistics for environmental applications”, Paris 9-11 July 2014, Βook of Αbstracts, pages 139-140, ISBN: 978-2-35671-136-6.
68. Theodore Karyotis, Andreas Panagopoulos, Ibrahim Güçdemir, Suat Akgül, Süleyman Demir and Ali Kasaci.2014. Rational nitrogen fertilization plans of irrigated crops in the Nitrates Vulnerable Zones of the Mediterranean Region of Turkey. Conference:Agronomic, Molecular Genetics and Human Nutrition Approaches for Improving the Nutritional Quality and Safety of Food Crops. 17-19 March 2014, Antalya, Turkey. Extended abstract in the Proceedings, pages 96-97, ISBN 978-605-4348-72-5, Sabanci University.
69. Karyotis Th., G. Arampatzis, A. Panagopoulos, E. Hatzigiannakis, E. Tziritis, K. Karyoti and J. Vrouchakis. Nutrients, trace elements and water deficit in Greek soils cultivated with olive trees. International Conference on “Biogeochemical Processes at Air – Soil - Water Interfaces and Environmental Protection”. European Society for Soil Conservation, Imola (Italy), 23-26 June 2014.
70. Karyotis Th., A. Panagopoulos, K. Karyoti, M. Tziouvalekas, A. Kasaci and Ibr. Güçdemir. 2015. Rational Nitrogen Fertilization Plans for selected crops in dry and wet regions of Turkey. Oral presentation, 10th meeting of the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen, Lisbon 29th and 30th April, University of Lisbon
71. Giannoulis K., M. Tziouvalekas, A. Tsitouras, P. Grypari, A. Dragoidou, and Th. Karyotis.2015. Content and origin of nitrates in surface waters of Central Greece. Oral presentation, 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection, 11-14 August, Univ. of the West of Scotland.
72. Panagopoulos A., I. Vrouhakis, A. Ilias, S. Stathaki, P. Dalambakis, E. Hatzigiannakis, Aik. Karyoti, Th. Karyotis, G. Arampatzis. 2017. Soil and Water Resources Deterioration and Preservation Perspectives in Three Intensively Cultivated Basins of Greece. Oral presentation in 6th World Sustainability Forum, 27–28 January, Cape Town, S. Africa, Book of Abstract, p. 167
Literature Studies
1. “Water and wind erosion”. 1998. Compiled by S. Guillobez, Th. Karyotis and M. Browers. Project "Spatial and Temporal Variation of Soil Nutrient Stocks and Management in Sub-Saharan African Farming SystemsALTERRA SERIES , DLO Wageningen, The Netherlands. Final Report, pp. 25-36.
2. Karyotis Th., Kosmas C. and A. Tsitouras.2010. Land degradation in mountainous and hilly areas of Greece. Workshop and 3rd Conference on Desertification and Land Degradation processes’. UNESCO Chair on Eremology, International Centre for Eremology. June 16 -17. Ghent University, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering. Book of Abstracts, pp. 35-36.
3. Karyotis Τh. and C. Kosmas. 2011. SOIL EROSION AND CONSERVATION IN GREECE. Newsletter of the European Society for Soil Conservation, pp. 11-25
Soil Survey & otherTechnical Reports
Participation in the mapping, classification, map compilation and reporting of numerous soil surveys published by the Nantional Agricultural Research Foundation of Greece.
Studies and reports for the implementation of Agri environmental Projects
1. Responsible author for ‘‘Decreasing of nitrates from agriculture in Thessalian plain (Reg.2078/92/ΕEC). Results for the periods 1996, 97,98,99,2000,2001 and 2002.
2. Coordinator for the compilation of "National Action Plan for the mitigation of nitrates in groundwater in the vulnerable areas in Greece
3. "Soil Groupping for the implementation of the action plan against nitrates pollution in the areas:
- Thessaly "(2001)
- Argolida, Kopaida and Pinios river basin in the Prefecture of Hleia
5. Mastrantoni, J., Nerantzakis, C., Antoniadou, S., Karyotis, Th., M. Economou, P. Papadopoulos, T. Pomonis, G. Spyropoulos, E. Koutouxidou, G. Siamantas, G. Eleftheraki, C. Pyrgaki, H. Foufa, K. Stavrou, L. Petychakis. 2000. The cycling of Cd, coming from fertilizers in the Greek environment. Final report of the Ministry of rural Development and Food to Euroipean Commission, pages 83.
6. Study of Environmental conditions in the area of Mallia, Crete Island. 2005
7. Study of natural conditions (climate, soils and vegetation) in the area of Elassona, Thessaly. 2005, pages 91.
8. Karyotis Theodore. 2013. Strategic Environmental Assessment Report. Project Technical Assistance for the Support to Rural Development Programme (Service Contract Nº: EuropeAid/131118/D/SER/EG. Beneficiary Country: Egypt, The Union of Producers & Exporters of Horticultural Crops (UPEHC). This Project was funded by the European Union. Cairo, 122 pages.
9. Designate Nitrate Vulnerable Zones on existing situation in Turkey on Nitrates pollution (Caused by agricultural sources)
10. A code or codes of good agricultural practice in Turkey. Authors: Th. Karyotis, G.Erpul, A.Gunes
11. Nitrogen fertilization plans for each Nitrate Vulnerable Zone in Turkey (more than 4.500 plans were prepared for 30 different crops). Th. Karyotis
Invited Speaker
1. Invited by the Makerere University (2000). Lecture “The development of a soil policy in Greece: how research feeds into policy and vice versa”. In: Diversity, Policy and Scaling-up. Proceedings of the first international workshop of the EU/INCO-DEV Programme: Enhancing Soil fertility in Africa: From Field to Policy-UGANDA.
2. Invitation by the GANSU ACADEMY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (2002, China), and gave lectures regarding to the following topics:
• Agricultural Research in Greece
• Methods and techniques for mapping of the vulnerable nitrates zones
• Desertification - Action Plan and mitigation practices
• Establishing Codes for Good Agricultural Practice
• Effect of agricultural activities (fertilization, irrigation e.t.c.) on the European Environment
3. Training School organized by COST 629 (2005). Invited by the University of Malaga and presented the following lectures in postgraduate students from various European Countries:
- SOIL: nature, properties and characteristics (extended abstract in the Proc. of COST 629, pp. 35-40)
- Soil sampling (extended abstract in the Proc. of COST 629, pp. 41-47)
Teaching Experience
1. University of Thessaly- Department of Agricultural Faculty: Lectures on "Soil factors" (1998).
2. Institute of Technical Education of Larissa, 1994-95.
3. Numerous lectures were given in High Schools for issues concerning Environment.
6. Lecture in the Higher Technical School of Epirus, Department of Plant Science (2005) titled “Nitrates pollution in Thessalian plain”.
7. Lectures in postgraduate students, Aegean University (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010) on the topics:
- Desertification – Land Degradation
- Measures against nitrates pollution -Implementation of Codes for Good Agricultural Practices
- Soil Survey – Soil properties - Land Use and Environment
- Degradation of arable land and water resources
-Numerous of national and international scientific articles are referred to his publications in various scientific journals .
- He reviewed numerous of scientific articles submitted for publication to international journals
- Chairman, rapporteur or member of organizer committees in international Congresses, Conferences, workshops e.t.c.
- Member in Doctoral Advisory Committees of the University of Thessaly.
- Μember of the Εxpert Panel on Mitigation of Agricultural Nitrogen, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Convention on Long range Transboundary Air Pollution) (2010-today).
- Μember of the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (Convention on Long range Transboundary Air Pollution, (2010-today).